NOVEMBER 1-3, 2024

Join Southwest Seminars and Dr. John Ware for as we travel into the heart of Indian Country visiting Zuni and Acoma Pueblos and Crownpoint Rug Auction.  Become more familiar with the culture, history, art and traditions of the Diné, (Navajo) A:Shiwi (Zuni) and Haak’u (Acoma) as well as historic trading posts that serve as a cultural bridge between indigenous and outside worlds.

Accompanied by Dr. John Ware, former Director of the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture and former Director of the Amerind Foundation, we travel old school in a modern coach. We learn about Navajo weaving traditions, sheep herding and Pueblo influences as we journey ‘among the people’. Leaving Santa Fe mid-day on Friday we arrive in Crownpoint in time for the Rug Auction Preview to watch weavers bring their rugs to the auction and giving you time to interact with the weavers and scout for your favorites before the bidding that takes place in the early evening. Crownpoint Rug Auction is a unique opportunity to purchase Navajo Rugs directly from the weavers at fair prices or to simply meet the weavers and appreciate the cultural experience and view their beautiful creations. After a few hours we drive on to Gallup and a late evening check-in to historic El Rancho Hotel which is one of the stars of Route 66, famous for hosting Hollywood movie stars in the days of classic westerns and serves as our home base for two nights.

Saturday we travel to nearby Zuni Pueblo, a broad valley of golden buttes and red mesas, where A:Shiwi have lived for many years while farming, hunting, gathering and practicing their way of life and ceremonial rituals. In the morning we take an interpretive walk through the streets of the village of Halona:Idiwan’a, The Middle Place of the World, which is Zuni’s most historical and culturally significant neighborhood. Following a traditional meal in the afternoon we visit Hawiku, one of the fabled Cities of Cibola, which in 1540 was the place of first recorded contact between Europeans and indigenous people in what is now New Mexico. Returning to Gallup we stop for a reception at Tanner’s Indian Arts, to meet a historic trading post family and learn from fifth-generation Emerald Tanner about her family history of building posts dating back to the mid 1800’s for the purpose of trading with Native Americans which is followed by a relaxing dinner and some time to explore El Rancho Hotel.

Sunday we breakfast at local favorite, Earls, an eating and cultural shopping tradition. We continue onto Acoma Pueblo, one of the oldest continuously occupied communities in the US for a tour of Acoma Rock, a massive 357-foot mesa whose lofty isolated location made it virtually impenetrable throughout the precontact period. Originally accessible by a series of hand and toeholds, Acoma became one of the most resistant pueblos to Spanish rule leading to bitter hostilities between them and the people of Acoma. As we tour Sky City we learn about those struggles, such as the building of San Esteban del Rey Mission Church, zealous missionary efforts in the 17th century, and the resiliency of the Acoma people evidenced by the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 and overthrow of Spanish dominion along with missionary martyrdom. Following lunch at Yaak’a Restaurant we visit the impressive Haak’u Museum with its collection of famed Acoma master pottery and examples of traditional arts and crafts before our return  trip to Santa Fe.

Includes 2 nights lodging at the legendary El Rancho, coach transportation for 3 days, all meals, admissions, honoraria for special presenters and study leaders       $1250 Double Occupancy, $1400 Single Occupancy.

TO REGISTER: Contact SWS at  southwestseminar@aol.com

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